Friday 3 January 2014

Michael Haneke's "Amour"

  Amour means love, and that's what Michael Haneke's movie is about' but it's not pop culture type of love: sugar coated, fast, fleeting, feeble, reserved to young and beautiful, disposable and shallow, No, "Amour" is about real love, unconditional, lasting, faithful and true to the end, the kind of love each and single one of us yearns for.
 The story about elderly couple- beautifully portrayed by Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva- is almost unbearable to watch mainly because our culture shies away from showing aging and declining health, we have no problem with violent death, tortures and brutality but we are afraid of  natural course of life, of what often awaits us at the end of our journey: loss of independence, vitality, dignity and mental regress, but pretending it's not there doesn't make it go away and sooner or later we all going to be where the main characters are and one can only wish that we will take it with the same degree of dignity and love as they did .
  Despite the brutal honesty in portrayal of aging and dying this movie leaves us with hope that true love never dies.

When I was writing this post this song by Leonard Cohen came to my mind, enjoy:

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