Monday 6 January 2014

How to Steal a Million with Peter O'Toole

The end of last year was marked by death of one of the greatest actors in the world Peter O'Toole, he became famous  playing T. E. Lawrence in Lawrence of Arabia (1962) for which he received his first Academy Award nomination. He received seven further Oscar nominations for: Becket (1964), The Lion in Winter (1968), Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969), The Ruling Class (1972), The Stunt Man (1980), My Favorite Year (1982) and Venus (2006).

Those are all amazing movies, however my favorite is and always will be How to Steal a Million (1966), this comedy/crime/romance mix in which Peter O'Toole teams up with wonderful Audrey Hepburn is a true delight, charming, witty and intelligent. The chemistry between dashingly handsome O'Toole (those blue eyes) and  gorgeous Hepburn is really great (equaled only by Audrey Hepburn pairing with Cary Grant in Charade, another favorite of mine).
The plot is a joyous romp: famous art collector who is actually art forger, Charles Bonnet lends a statue of  Venus to a museum in Paris, claiming it was sculpted by Cellini, when in fact it's a fake (just like everything else in his collection). Museum wants to insure the priceless piece of art but to do that the statue needs to be first tested by an expert to confirm it's authenticity. To prevent the ruin of the family, which would be imminent in the event of forgery being discovered, Bonnet's daughter Nicole (Audrey Hepburn) decides to steal the statue from the heavy guarded museum before the tests can be carried out, to do this she enlists the help of a mysterious burglar Simon Drermott (O'Toole).

I hope you will enjoy this movie as much as I do and remember one of the finest actors that ever lived.

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